My Videos:
Parenting With Ease
Parenting With Ease
Time to take the heavy load off your shoulders when it comes to parenting along with the struggle!
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing. If you find this info supportive and uplifting, consider sharing it with others.
Learn more about about this subject or anything else you are interested in, simply
Call or text: 520-247-0549
Her website is: http://www.PamelaAnnEzell.com
Learn more about Pamela Ann"s Teachings on her social media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Four Letter Words
Four Letter Words
OK, these are not the four letter words our minds first think of. However, lots of us use these words in our everyday thoughts and conversations. They limit us and our abilities to command our world with precision. Our words have the power to create or destroy the desires of our hearts. So listen on to discover what they are and what words you can incorporate into you life to shift and change everything for the better.
Consider sharing this info with others. It may be just what they are seeking. And feel free to leave a comment or question about your experiences so we can include it in future recordings for your uplift.
To learn more, simply contact me for more personal, couple or group training at:
520-247-0549 ...a text would be fine too.
See more on Facebook: Pamela Ann Ezell
My website: PamelaAnnEzell.com
YouTube: EZ Messages
PODCAST #5 Standing in the Eye of Your Hurricane
Your hurricane of life is swirling all around you.Learn how you can rapidly draw into your life what you prefer to experience and release what you have learned or what is no longer pleasing to you.
Remember, what you give your attention to can rapidly come into your life. You are commanding everything into your life experience!
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing. If you find this info supportive and uplifting, consider sharing it with others.
Learn more about Pamela Ann Ezell by Calling or texting: 520-247-0549
Her website is: http://www.PamelaAnnEzell.com
Learn more about Pamela Ann"s Teachings on her social media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Standard YouTube License
Four Letter Words
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
Seems like everyone these days uses "Four Letter Words." Even your Preacher, Teetotaling Auntie and Big Time Motivational Speaker!
Ok, wait! before your mind runs amuck, the words I'm referring to are definitely NOT the four letter words you may first think of.
Simply listen to what is being shared to learn more and also learn how your very words are commanding your world!
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
Learn more about Pamela Ann Ezell by going to her website:
Pamela Ann Ezell on Social Media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Standard YouTube License
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
Which direction are you heading your boat, or body in the stream of life? Upstream? Downstream? Simply knowing that answer can greatly affect the depth of happiness and success you are able to enjoy on a daily basis.
Keep remembering that you are to float your boat or body gently down the stream of life with a merry attitude because this life is but a dream. Because this life is but a dream. It isn't the the main reality!
Everything Always Works Out for You. Listen to Your Inspired Feelings. Then Take Action!
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
You have the power to have everything workout for you easily, quickly and seamlessly. Listen to your inspired thoughts and feelings and follow through with what you are nudged to do...no matter how odd or unusual it may seem to you.
Plus the greatest gift you can have is a closer, more personal relationship with those who created you and worlds without end.
Really allow yourself to draw to them and feel their love and guidance. Its totally worth every second!
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
Learn more about Pamela Ann Ezell by going to her website:
Pamela Ann Ezell on Social Media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Standard YouTube LicenseHow to dial in whatever you desire.
Wake up and embrace your Desires Now!
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
Allow yourself to awaken and deliberately chose to create what you truly desire to bring into your life. You have the power to do this. Shift your beliefs and recognize that you truly are the one designing your entire life!
Let go of "feeding" or "fixing" the things in your life that are not satisfying to you. Focus only upon
what is deeply satisfying to you...free of any jealousy or envy. Nourish only the very best in your life...feed only that. Everything else with simply evaporate...because you will not be feeding it!
Plus the greatest gift you can have is a closer, more personal relationship with those who created you and worlds without end.
Really allow yourself to draw to them and feel their love and guidance. Its totally worth every second!
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
Learn more about Pamela Ann Ezell by going to her website:
Pamela Ann Ezell on Social Media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Standard YouTube License
You Have the Power to Release Serious Health Issues.
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
You have the power to release very serious health issues. Keep remembering that your body is always providing you information about what is going on within your soul. Many times...most of the time our physical, mental and emotional miseries are directly driven by situations we have not dealt with in our lives that are resonating in every cell of our bodies.
When we genuinely deal with our emotional body and correctly, fully address and release them, we can often completely heal our physical body and even regrow it correctly.
Acknowledge how you are truly feeling. Discover how you are feeling, Release any negative feelings from every cell of your body. Then draw what you desire to feel into every cell of your body.
If you do not understand how to do this simple exercise, simply reach out to me!
Plus the greatest gift you can have is a closer, more personal relationship with those who created you and worlds without end.
Really allow yourself to draw to them and feel their love and guidance. Its totally worth every second!
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
Learn more about Pamela Ann Ezell by going to her website:
Pamela Ann Ezell on Social Media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Standard YouTube License
Break loose and run with your arms wide open!
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
Has your life become stagnant? Are you suffering? Remember that suffering is completely optional. And at anytime you can break loose and begin rapidly creating your world exactly as you prefer so you can create a wonderful life.
Let go of thinking you have to look for someone outside of yourself to provide what you are seeking. Also, let go of procrastination by focusing on thinking you have to take care if everyone else instead if live your life...in other words, let go of using others as your distraction and excuse for not living your life mission, Gather up your courage. Connect withe the Divine and GO FOR IT!
Just your life example can greatly encourage others to do the same..
Plus the greatest gift you can have is a closer, more personal relationship with those who created you and worlds without end.
Really allow yourself to draw to them and feel their love and guidance. Its totally worth every second!
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
Learn more about Pamela Ann Ezell by going to her website:
Pamela Ann Ezell on Social Media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Standard YouTube License
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
This is Part 2 of Preparing The Vessel...or your body.
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
To learn more about any topic Simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Email: paezell@protronmail.com (You may also send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos to that same email address..
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
Preparing The Vessel Part 1
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
To learn more about any topic Simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Email: paezell@protronmail.com (You may also send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos to that same email address..
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
How to Have Visions & Revelations
For more personal attention or training, simply Call or Text: 520-247-0549
Also, email: paezell@protronmail.com to send comments or texts about your questions or experiences for Pamela Ann to include in future videos. See more contact info at bottom of page.
Everyone is very capable of having visions and revelations. In fact you already know how to do this and actually have been doing this most of your life. I hope you have fun with what is being shared here. It's POWERFUL!
How can I be so certain of this? Well most of us are able to dream. And in our dreams we can receive insights about things. Some of those insights can help. us resolve or solve situations in our lives...If so, recognize that that information can also be inspired thoughts. Especially if they are creating "good fruit" in your life.
However, YOU also are able to have Revelation, and Visions while you are awake. Again, how can I be so certain of this? Because you very likely know how to DAY DREAM! They are like soft little videos going off in your head.They help you envision or visualize or have a vision of information you desire to receive from a higher source that knows ALL things!
It's sooooo much fun living this way. Life is filled with wonder and joy plus lots and lots of confidence that "They have your back!
Allow yourself to ponder this truth, your truth and experiment with what is being taught. Trust that you too can receive like blessings.
Everyone's physical and mental makeup and well-being is unique.Before making any lifestyle changes please consult your doctor. It's always nice to get a another opinion.
May you enjoy experimenting with what is being shared with you. Take care,
Pamela Ann
Pamela Ann is a Master Teacher of Applied Quantum Physics. Her work and teachings are heavily documented. She created EZ Messages to support you as you command your world with such exactness that you can even put a date on it.
EZ Messages are based upon simple eternal laws that can be found all over the world. They can be easily applied to your daily life no matter who you are and what circumstances you are currently experiencing.
Learn more about Pamela Ann Ezell by going to her website:
Pamela Ann Ezell on Social Media:
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ezmessages
Instagram- http://instagram.com/pamelaannezell
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pamelaannezell
Twitter- https://twitter.com/pamelaannezell
Snapchat = @pamelaannezell
Standard YouTube License