Hey, just wondering…
Is that toasting s’mores around the campfire, holding hands and singing Kum-ba-ya thing working for you and your group? Like I said, just wondering.
Or, Instead of experiencing that nice, warm, feel good time, perhaps you have noticed feelings of dissention, drama and discord growing within your group. Has the wind of progress gone out of your/their sails?
If you are a non-profit organization, do you sometimes feel it is hard to find volunteers?
You know the type of people I’m referring to. These are people who will really roll up their shirtsleeves and eagerly join in with generously sharing their talents by physically supporting their team. They don’t just talk about desired change. They actually take action!
Perhaps you’ve also noticed that the group’s lofty worthwhile goals are stalled…dead in the water along with their feelings of enthusiasm.
As a leader of your group, or group member, have you tried your best to uplift the situation in the past but have now also lost your vigor and enthusiasm? (BTW, I’ll explain the meaning of enthusiasm later.)
I get it. I understand. In fact, one group that I was working with got so upside down with distractions that I was actually assigned bodyguards!
Let’s be real here. If you were a volunteer and your entire intent was to be supportive of the people that elected you… would you still remain a member of that group if a couple of them also threatened your safety?
Well, I consciously decided to stay on and serve while some people scratched their heads and questioned my decision.
They were filled with questions because on the outside looking in, it may have appeared as though I had either lost my marbles or I was an incredibly courageous individual to have stayed the course in reforming that situation.
But in actuality, I was simply following through with the commitment I had made to those who elected me to be their representative.
You see, like so many others that volunteer to serve a community, I genuinely cared about the people I served and also cared about their financial investment.
However, there was something else that I also clearly understood. I knew about these eternal laws that I am also prepared to teach you. And I clearly knew how to apply them. Because of this, within a short amount of time, I was able to keep my enthusiasm while setting into motion a movement that reformed the entire situation into a healthy, harmonious and well functioning volunteer group.
BTW, did you know that the word enthusiasm comes from three Greek words that mean God Inspiring Within?
So, if you and your group have lost that special feeling of excitement or enthusiasm…you have also lost your connection to those who literally created you and all others! Which means you are all “going it alone.”
Now that is a real fun killer!
But the really good news is you can change this situation at any time.
You too can be part of a harmonious well functioning group that is highly motivated to consistently create the goals and dreams you have all set your sights on.
In fact, if you remain an Enthusiastic Motivated Leader or Group Member you will:
- Be able to release distractions, like gossip and backbiting (they impede the growth and well-being of your
- Also Be able to release complacency and rekindle the group flame for mutual uplift and increased unity.
- Begin to identify and easily apply actions that can genuinely lift and strengthen the genuine harmony and synergy of your Group.
- Learn how to dramatically increase your Enthusiastic feelings of joy and well-being.
- Begin learning about and then experiencing a genuinely satisfying and happy personal life.
This is important because the happier you are personally, the happier and more successful you will be publicly and professionally!
Here are some examples of people who have Taken Action and improved the energy of the groups they participate in as they also improved the quality of their personal lives:
“As a young girl I was moved by the song ‘Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me.’ Through applying Pamela Ann’s teachings, I now know how to let it begin with me. Scriptures and things I have studied finally make sense.”
—Leslie Whitman, Hair Stylist, Tucson, AZ
“I have had so many amazing changes happen in my life by applying the things I learn. I’ve also seen many other lives change for the better. Thank you Pamela Ann for all that you’ve taught me and continue to teach me. I Love you!”
—Mandy Richardson, Nanny, Hairdresser, Oahu, HI
—“Through Pamela Ann’s teachings, I now see my world and those around me through new eyes. I am more understanding and aware of other’s actions and choices. Now, even when something may initially appear negative, I can consistently see the deeper value of the experience and view it in a positive light.”
—Shama Thathi, College Law Student, Tucson, AZ
“I feel most people on this planet are unaware of their true potential to create and manifest. It is very rare we have the opportunity and pleasure of understanding our own connection with source energy. I feel this information is invaluable to humanity. If it is understood and applied, it will activate the heart love space we all deserve.”
—Mark Sanders (William), Owner of A Five Star Co. HVAC Contracting, Rockland, CA
You too can experience this increased vigor. It will assist you in attaining the goals that you and your group truly desires.
So, Take Action! Enjoy a genuinely happier, more harmonious Group experience. Click Here to schedule a Mentoring Time with me by phone, Skype or in person.
If you find this information valuable and uplifting take action again; share it with others. You may be only one person, but you have the ability to spread this positive, encouraging good news throughout the world by simply sharing it with one or two people. Many times they will tell you that they have been asking for this information!
The following list is just a small portion of the topics I teach. Feel free to scan through it to get some ideas of what you would like to learn! You can even jot down some of the ones that stand out to you. Then I’ll teach you how to apply them in your daily life.
Click here to learn more about the topics that I teach