Do you feel lonely, even in a crowd?
Do you sometimes wonder how your life could have ever slid so off track? Do you feel completely hopeless and helpless? Like, you don’t really have a choice in what is happening in your life. Are you just reacting to whatever is thrown at you?
Maybe you feel feelings of shame, embarrassment and unworthiness. Unworthy of having the blessings in this life that you desire. Have you developed addictive behaviors that you don’t know how to release from your life? Are you getting divorced… again? Or perhaps have you become complacent, bored, disconnected.
Have you lost your energy and drive? Have your feelings just numbed out… you just don’t even know what you feel anymore?
Do you catch yourself thinking, “How did it get so complicated and how can I ever get this mess turned around?” Do you feel like a victim? When you hear someone has “passed over” do you sometimes think they are the “Lucky One?” They have finally been released and can now go on without any worries, taxes, bills, stress, or contention.”
Do you wonder, “How in this world can I ever find that abiding joy that eludes me?”
Well, I know exactly how that feels. I’ve stood in your shoes. Yet, I can confidently say to you that I also know that all of those experiences (and more) were absolutely created to help me learn how to be the profoundly happy woman that I am today. In fact, they were my blessings.
This is my truth and it is also your truth. I am certain of it!
I know that as a motivated client…Ok, just a moment, you may wonder what a motivate client is. Well, I’m going to simply describe that person to you now.
A Motivated Client is a person that eagerly experiments with what they are learning. They are open and teachable. They Take Action. That’s it. So simple!
So ask yourself,” Am I one of those motivated people?”
If you are not “feeling It,” Allow yourself to have a little shift in your whole body attitude. What do you have to lose? Let your curiosity begin to grow within you. Think about what you would love to experience in your life if you didn’t have to worry about time, money, situations or people’s opinions. Picture this desire in your mind as if it was now happening. Feel your wonderful expectant hopes begin to spark within. Then allow in that change. Are you beginning to feel some excitement growing within you? Is your enthusiasm for your life starting to come back?
Here are some of the responses of “Not Feeling It People” after they allowed in that shift of their attitude and also their feelings. They then took action and enjoyed some quality Mentoring Time with me…
“I have known Pamela Ann since I was 6 years old. Her inspired teachings and ability to know just what you need, when you need it is truly a miracle. After working with her I realized that I too could apply what she taught and miracles would show up in my life as well. I will forever be indebted to her for showing me the path that would help me overcome a 15-year drug addiction. That was in 1997 and my life has never been the same since.”
—Jashin Howell, Entrepreneur & Internet Marketer, Married father of 4, Mesa, AZ
“I feel reborn…like I have been resuscitated…fully alive for the first time after living 60 years on this earth. It is joyful, miraculous and exhilarating! It is like Pamela Ann is the love that helped me build my bridge back to God. I’m eternally grateful to her!”
—Debbie Waters, Elder Caregiver, Devoted Mother and Grandmother, Salt Lake City, UT
“These are lessons we were born knowing to be true. So, I will say this: These little reminders rocked my world and dramatically changed how I view life and how I travel through it. I am happier than I have ever been.”
—Kevin DeCook, Sales Person, Model, College Student, Happy Individual, Tucson, AZ
I can confidently say to you that most motivated clients begin to have these wonderful experiences of release, relief and inspired change happen for them during their first hour of Mentoring Time with me.
If your answer is, “Yes!” “Yes, I am one of those Motivated People!”…
Then, let’s begin your adventure now. If your answer is, “No,” then stop reading this page. You are not ready to let go of your interest to learn more about what you are currently creating; lack, loneliness, frustration, fear, depression, anger… And that’s all right. Evidently those experiences are still valuable for you or you would not be giving them so much time, attention and energy.
And quite frankly spending time with me right now when your heart and mind are still focused on learning about other life choices, like chaos and drama, would be a complete waist of your time, energy and money. I value you too much to encourage you to do that. It is not my intent to divert you away from completing and mastering those important life contrasts.
Plus my time is very valuable. I like to use it wisely. And there are LOTS of other people who are very interested in what I have to share.
So really, no worries, we can always visit later when you are ready.
Right about now you might be thinking, “Huh?!” or “What the heck is she saying?” or “What kind of game is she playing?”
Well, I’ll clear this up for you. The fact is if you have not completed what you desired to learn about your less than happy circumstances and you feel like you are being pressured to do something else, you will just resist that change and recreate those same situations again… only BIGGER.
You know exactly what I am talking about. It’s kinda like the people that get in repeated scrapes with the law or get married over and over and over again. Those situations often just get bigger and uglier until they finally finish figuring out what they desired to learn from them. In fact, sometimes people decide to take a lifetime to explore those topics. And that’s OK too.
Of course if you are really and truly ready to wrap that stuff all up and be done with it, I definitely can support you with that process too! 🙂 Yes, that is a smiley face.
However, if your answer is a definite, “Yes!” Then let’s start your adventure…
As a Motivated Client, during your first session, you will immediately begin to release stress and distractions that are using up all your valuable energy and blocking your ability to receive what you desire.
Then you will rapidly begin learning real life-skills that you can easily apply so you can experience a more personally satisfying and happy daily life.
You will wake up your feelings and learn to trust in them again. In fact you will begin to feel something wonderful in your body that is better than any feel good drug you could ever get.
By the way, you have always been the one and always will be the one who creates your world. At ANYTIME you can change everything in that world. You really can create this change. And this is also your eternal truth…
Those who created you actually say, “Yes” to your every request! But what are you asking for?
To Schedule your Personal Mentoring Time with me by phone, Skype or in person, Click Here.
If you find this information valuable and uplifting take action; share it with others. You may be only one person, but you have the ability to spread this positive, encouraging good news throughout the world by simply sharing it with one or two people. It may be exactly what they have been asking for!
The following list is just a small portion of the topics I teach. Feel free to scan through it to get some ideas of what you would like to learn! You can even jot down some of the ones that stand out to you. Then I’ll teach you how to apply them in your daily life.
Click here to learn more about the topics that I teach
To read more about people’s responses after receiving Mentoring, Click Here.