The following story took place when I was invited to teach in the religious institute program at the Utah State Prison for women. I have to admit; it was a blow your hair back soul moving experience! And I felt you would also appreciate discovering and learning how you too can quickly and easily create what you desire in your daily life.
I never know exactly what is going to happen when I speak in these classes because I do not prepare a script or lesson. Now allow me to clarify, I have received lifetimes of information. I am prepared. But I trust completely in the fact that The Divine knows each of us personally. I totally lean on that source and not my mortal understanding.
I trusted that these women would be taught precisely what they desired to receive at this particular time in their lives.
From the moment the opening music started to play, I could feel a mighty shift, a powerful uplift as it surged into that room.
Now anyone that knows me also knows I’m not a teary-eyed kind of girl. In fact I usually have a grin from ear to ear because I am so genuinely happy that I can’t contain it. Nor do I desire to contain that happiness. But that day my tears immediately began to flow when I felt that soul touching shift.
I took a moment to compose myself (because I knew that I was so deeply touched that I was incapable of speaking). Then I began to teach these beautiful women about their Divine Nature and the love and affection their creator has always had for them and continues to have for them.
I could see a definite change happen within them. Tears of happiness and relief sprang to their eyes and ran down their faces as their bodies literally felt their truth and joy burn within them.
They started lighting up as they willingly opened their souls to receive a greater, more perfect, personal relationship with those who created them.
Isn’t that what we all seek?
I also shared with these women an eternal truth that is all of our truth. That truth is: when we are connected with the Divine, we each have the ability to receive personal revelation and can actually ask for and receive miracles. It is our birthright.
In fact, through this connection, all things are possible. We can even say out loud what we would love to have happen. We can do this when we truly believe with every cell of our being that our request is being heard. Through this union, while being free of all wavering or doubt, it will happen. That is what active faith feels like. That faith is life changing!
I explained to these women that I know this is their truth even though they are in prison. I shared that prison can come in many forms. In fact I know what it feels like to be in prison too. I was confined in a 3’x 6’ prison for decades when I didn’t have enough blood pressure to run my body.
My prison was my bed. I only had about 15 minutes each day to try and force myself to shower, or prepare a meal for my family or pick up my home. Then I would return back to my prison. The women all agreed that I had had even more of a physical restriction than they were currently experiencing.
But it was while I was in that prison that I explored and learned many powerful eternal truths that now serve others and me each day of my life. That prison became my blessing! It was during this time that I was more fully prepared for my life mission. (By the way, do you know what your life mission is?)
One of the women in the class, who had also had that growing light within her, spoke up.
She shared that she had been sent to prison many times and that now her family no longer wrote her. She understood why and was not upset or bitter toward them. They were simply worn out from the chaos and drama she had created.
However, she boldly stated that she would love to get a letter from home and a picture too. As she spoke those words, a clear inspired feeling of assurance came to her. The feeling was that her letter was already waiting for her!
At first that wavering, unbelieving, discounting voice of the flesh, “the monkey chatter” in her mind, replied that this was not her truth. Thankfully she quickly let go of that thought, which was a lie, and continued to hold on to her inspired thought.
After the class, when she returned to her cell, her roommate told her that she had mail from the “outside.” She excitedly went to get her mail and discovered it was her son’s graduation announcement, along with a picture and a letter. What joy!
The next day, when I taught the class, the numbers had rapidly expanded as the good news spread. The woman had shared the story of her miracle with others. She also spoke of other desires that she had in her heart. They too appeared. Other inmates had even witnessed them.
She then announced that she would like to be baptized into the church that was sponsoring the classes. But she had one big concern.
Her concern was that she might die before that could happen. Another teacher assured her that the church she desired to join would honor her request when she was released; rather she was alive or even if she had passed away.
My time with these beautiful women was swiftly drawing to a close. There was so much I wished I could have shared with them. Thankfully, before I came to teach them, I had already been asked to donate copies of my book to their library. It was a comfort to know they had some stories of my personal examples of the love and support that they too could receive.
The one thing that greatly comforted me was the sure knowledge that they didn’t need me to hold their hand to help them have this mighty change of heart.
They had the power within themselves and always have had the power to personally connect with their Creator. While partnered with that Divine Being, all things can be created for them.
I was not that being, I was only an example of what everyone can have in their lives through that union.
Last week I received some wonderful follow up information about the woman who allowed herself to exercise her active faith and ask for miracles. She recently went before the prison board. The change in her life was so genuine and complete that they could not deny her.
As a result of her complete transformation, she was granted a prison release date without parole!
I’ve got to admit that as I share this information with you I’m filled with tender feelings of happiness for this woman.
Perhaps you too have experienced your own personal prison or even feel like you are in one now. You too can be rapidly freed from feelings of entrapment. You can also feel a peace that passes all understanding and discover, as I did, that it could actually be your blessing in disguise. (Because from the BIG perspective, all things really can be for your good.)
If you are interested in a happier life, that also includes a genuine daily relationship with your creators, first allow yourself to experiment with the uplifting knowledge you have already gathered. Let this knowledge become your blessing. Allow yourself to receive the good fruit that your inspired actions can create.
However, if you have been trying to do your best but feel you are falling short of the outcomes you desire, I would be happy to assist you as you bridge your way back more fully to the Divine. Simply schedule some training. You may also call or email me at : 520-333-6015, pamelaann@ealightning.com .
Yes, it seems like each day is filled with more wonderful opportunities to learn.
I hope you too have had like experiences and have felt yourself stretching and growing.
With much affection,
Pamela Ann
PS: I have some really wonderful classes coming up in October and November. Two of them will be in the beautiful Tuacahn Amphitheatre in Ivins Utah, near St George. Another very private immersion retreat, for only about 10 people, will be held in the fabulous Ritz Carlton Resort in Dove Mountain that is nestled in the Tortolita Mountains near Tucson, Arizona. Look forward to those upcoming details.