Oregano is one of the most diverse health aids available. Unfortunately, however, most of the oregano that consumers are familiar with contains only trace quantities of the actual species of the plant, or in some cases, none at all.
Meanwhile, researchers have uncovered numerous benefits to using oregano and extracted oil of oregano. However, buyer beware. These significant health benefits are unattainable if the oregano is not the true substance.
Nevertheless, true oil of oregano offers many exciting remedies to a variety of ailments. In “Herbal Renaissance”, Steven Foster credits oregano as having “been employed to treat indigestion, diarrhea, nervous tension, insect bites, toothache, earache, rheumatism, and coughs due to whooping cough and bronchitis (primarily for it’s antispasmodic effects).”
The ancient Greeks were among the first to take advantage of oregano’s medicinal qualities. The Greeks termed the spice oregano, meaning “delight of the mountains”.
Although there are a wide variety of plants that are confused with oregano (including marjoram, thyme, and sage) true oregano grows wild in Mediterranean regions such as Greece. The wild oregano is the source of surprisingly potent oil of oregano.
In “The Cure is in the Cupboard”, Cass Ingram, D.O., has written a book that is dedicated to unveiling the health benefits of oregano and oil of oregano. He notes that “wild oregano is a veritable natural mineral treasure-house, containing a density of minerals that would rival virtually any food”.
The wild oregano is rich in a long list of minerals that includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, and manganese. Vitamins C and A (beta carotene) and niacin also are contained in oregano. Judging from its mineral content alone, it is not hard to figure out why oregano is such a valuable commodity. Consider some of oregano’s other useful purposes and it becomes even more obvious.
“Oregano is one of Nature’s finest preservatives”, states Ingram in another book,”Supermarket Remedies”. The author suggests that if oregano is used with foods such as meat, eggs, milk, or salad, you “will greatly halt the growth of microbes and, thus, reduce the risk for food poisoning.”
The key element in oregano is the oil, which Foster points out “contains carvacrol and thymol as the primary components”. Foster attributes the “fungicidal and worm-expellant properties” of oil of oregano to carvacrol and thymol. “These two phenols may constitute as much as 90% of (the oil).”
However, Ingram adds that these two phenols work “synergistically” and that is the reason oil of oregano packs a double punch in antiseptic power and explains why it is “infinitely more potent than commercial phenol in microbial killing power.”
All of this helps make oregano oil a significant factor in treating internal and external fungi including athlete’s foot. Skin conditions such a psoriasis and eczema can be improved with the treatment as well. Ingram explains the astonishing discovery that “oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of where they reside.”
In addition to fighting various fungi, oil of oregano is useful against bacteria and parasites. As Ingram asserts, “oil of oregano’s antiseptic powers are immense . . . it inhibits the growth of the majority of bacteria, something that prescription antibiotics fail to accomplish.” In the case of parasites, oil of oregano has had success neutralizing worms, amoeba, and protozoan.
Additional uses for oregano and oil of oregano are multi-dimensional. It has been found helpful in combating diarrhea, intestinal gas, and digestive problems, as well as sore throat and breathing difficulties. Oil of oregano can be immediately help against bee stings and many venomous bites until medical attention can be reached. Oil of oregano has even been suggested as a treatment for dandruff, diaper rash, and other skin disorders.
The benefits of oregano has gone largely unnoticed and under publicized for far too long. As Ingram notes, oregano is “one of the world’s finest natural medicines, that is if it’s true oregano.”
So while oregano may hold the answer for a number of your health questions, be sure that it is in fact the real thing. Remember, these remedies are only attributed to genuine oregano and oil of oregano. Nonetheless, their values are much too important to overlook. Oregano may just be the thing you are searching for, or maybe did not realize was available.
Dr. Cass Ingram is a physician, educator, and author of over 10 books, (including his latest, “The Cure is in the Cupboard” continues this discussion on this important topic:
I spent the better part of 1995 and ’96 investigating the therapeutic values of wild oregano.
Oregano oil is a powerhouse for:
• fighting yeast, fungus (skin and blood-born)
• knocking our allergies, hay fever, and sinusitis
• stopping infections (cold and flu).
I learned about its strength first hand, as I suffered from a blood-born fungal infection that incapacitated me several years ago. I had to close my practice and move home to live. I tried everything, and ultimately discovered the potent antiseptic activity of wild oregano. It put me back on my feet.
Of late, the anti-allergic feedback I have received has been most impressive. Although the oil of oregano has been used since ancient times to fight yeast, fungal and viral infections, oregano’s ability to wipe out allergies, runny nose, sinusitis, and nasal drip has taken me by surprise.
Please understand, you are not going to get any better eating a pizza! Wild, crude, mountain-grown oregano (from the Mediterranean) is the only kind that is naturally rich in ‘carvacrols, flavonoids, and terpenes’, which give the oregano its tremendous strength. Carvacrol is a natural phenol that contains powerful anti-microbial activity. Flavonoids provide natural antiseptic properties, and Terpenes (long chain hydrocarbons) are natural anti-inflammatory agents.
Natural decongestants: Carvacrol, Flavonoids, and Terpenes are Mother Nature’s antihistamines and decongestants. Super Strength Oil of Oregano has over 70% Carvacrol by weight. That is an abundance of healing power. Please beware of cheap imitations. The Wolfe Clinic’s Super Strength Oil of Oregano is 100% pure wild oregano oil. It may be used internally and topically. Other brands of oregano oil are often unsafe and adulterated.
Anti-Allergy Properties: Every potential allergy sufferer needs to know that wild oregano is capable of halting your next allergy attack in its tracks. It is effective, reliable, and safe. Over-the-counter drugs have side effects, and they are not your only option. Try a natural approach first. Don’t be a victim of allergies any more. Wild oregano overpowers them every time.
Antibacterial Agent: Oregano is also an excellent antibacterial agent. Its volatile oils are highly active against the majority of pathogenic bacteria, including staph, strep, and E.coli. Furthermore, fungal resistance to oregano oil is exceptionally rare. Oregano is such a potent antifungal agent that it is capable of destroying even resistant fungal forms such as the mutated fungi which result from antibiotic therapy.
Internally: Use the Super Strength on or in the body. It is strong, so when using it internally, start with small amounts, like one or two drops twice daily in juice, or put in a capsule you can purchase at a health food store.
Take one drop twice per day working your way to one drop four times per day. Mix with one teaspoon of honey, maple syrup, or olive oil to improve palatability. Take for a period of 15 days and then stop for 15 days. Then repeat the process.
Externally: Oil of oregano may also be applied topically to treat itches, infections of the skin, gums, teeth, and just about any orifice in the body. Exercise care if you use it in the genital region where it is best mixed with olive oil or coconut oil before application (1 drop per teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil/butter).
There are no side effects and it is compatible with any other natural remedy or prescription drug.
Oil of Oregano Effectively Treats:
· acne · allergies · arthritis · asthma · athlete’s foot · constipation · croup · dandruff · diarrhea · digestive disturbances · insect bites · bronchitis · canker sores · colds · flu · earaches · fatigue · gum disease · parasites · headaches · menstrual irregularities · psoriasis · toenail problems · seborrhea · ringworm · rosacea · sinusitis · muscle pain · varicose veins · warts
NOTE from Pamela Ann: I hope you appreciate this information and put it into action. I have had some truly amazing results from using this oil in a WIDE variety of situations and it has ALWAYS provided the support my family and I desired. I keep a supply in my home and take it with me on trips. I use it often to treat and prevent a long list of health care conditions.
NOTE for Dilution: Dilution depends on what you are using it for and what body part you are putting it on. I use 1 part oregano oil to 2 parts olive or coconut oil on feet. or even direct, neet on ingrown toenails. On more sinsetive skin I use one part oregano to 8 parts olive or coconut oil.
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