Several years ago, during a fresh spring day in early April, our son Robert married a beautiful girl named Lindsey. While on their honeymoon they decided to begin their family. The desires of their hearts were created and a few months later, they learned that they would be having a baby girl the end of February.
The joyous announcement was also tempered with the fact that this was going to be a high risk pregnancy because Lindsey also had Lupus. This autoimmune disease already had attacked her heart and destroyed one of her valves. Thankfully, she was able to have open-heart surgery to remove the damaged valve. An artificial valve was then provided so Lindsey’s heart function could be restored.
With that life-saving change, it became necessary for Lindsey to go on blood thinners to protect her from forming clots around the artificial valve. Because she was now pregnant, she had to change to a different medication to protect the baby.
Problems With the Medication
The new medication did not provide adequate protection and Lindsey had a stroke the first week in November which resulted in the paralysis of her entire right side of her body.
Additionally, when she reached UMC Hospital in Tucson, the doctors could not give her the vital clot dissolving medication, which would protect her from developing brain damage, because it would endanger the baby.
The following morning I was informed of Lindsey’s plight. I immediately gathered up some things to help her and headed off to the hospital. I was there when the doctors came in to update her on her status.
The Doctors Could Not Help
The situation was very grave. The doctors and their teams told Lindsey that she had a large clot behind the artificial valve. Also, the clot in her head was in a vital part of her brain, in the area of her motor movement. They also saw brain damage around the clot. They could not do surgery to remove the clot because she was on blood thinners. Any surgery would cause bleeding and more damage to her brain.
Because of the seriousness of the situation, the doctors would not give any prognosis for any improvement until after 3 months. Meanwhile, all they could do was provide her with IVs and blood thinners. It felt like their hands were tied.
An Alternative Solution to the Problem
I then spoke up and suggested to the doctors that we consider providing Lindsey with some alternative healing solutions that would not further harm her or the baby. I told them I would be willing to provide that care.
I also shared with them that Lindsey’s husband (my son) had been paralyzed with a Parkinson’s Paralysis when he was about Lindsey’s age. He was curled up in a fetal ball and could not control his body functions. His face looked like a stone…without expression. The hospital and doctors also didn’t know what to do to improve the situation so they also agreed to my providing alternative care for him.
Amazingly, within 4 days my son was drinking, eating, walking and discharged from the hospital. The doctors, nurses, physical therapists and nutritionists were astounded by this rapid change in this young man. (Documented records at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tucson, AZ)
I felt Lindsey’s doctors would also be open to my active support because of the programs for alternative healing that Dr. Andrew Wilde had previously developed at that hospital. Thankfully, the doctors immediately granted my request to provide Lindsey with the care her body required for her rapid recovery.
Taking Action!
I immediately began utilizing therapies that would best assist Lindsey in the healing she desired.
First, I reminded Lindsey that she had the power to command her world with exactness by becoming “one” with those who created her. She could then use the same powers that created this world to completely aright her situation. She always did and always will have the power. In other words, she was not a helpless patient. The outcome of this situation was completely in her hands.
I also asked her when she would like to be released from the hospital, since the doctors had no prognosis for her. We didn’t have to wait until they could form one. We could command when we would like for this situation to be completed. I suggested that Tuesday felt like a great day to have her released and she also agreed.
She Had The Power To Change Everything; Even The Test Results!
I assured Lindsey that in spite of what the tests reflect, that she could actually physically change those circumstances…even the tests results. I asked her if she would like to fully participate in her rapid healing.
She said, “Yes.”
Simply and completely believing that we are active participants in our healing process has a powerful influence on our ability to rapidly recover. It moved us from victim to a willing proactive contributor to our success. That change in awareness literally changes body chemistry. It also moves our thoughts and feelings away from fear and worry, replacing them with visions and feelings of hope and well-being.
Connect With Your Creators And Command Your World
First Lindsey allowed herself to connect to her Savior and his atoning powers to restore her joy. I then immediately began teaching and administering the healing actions that I knew would aid in the restoration of Lindsey’s body. Her therapy consisted of Essential Oils, Purposeful Meditation/Hypnosis with Guided Imagery, Chinese Bed Exercises, mentoring/counseling, inflammatory reducing/live healing food and a Priesthood Blessing.
Lindsey’s motor movement began to improve immediately after I began her first therapy session (when I applied the powerful health restoring Essential Oils). That boosted our confidence that we were on the right track. I quickly guided her through the rest of the simple yet life-changing therapies. Her body released all feelings of stress, doubt or fear and she fell into a deep restorative sleep.
The Reports Changed!
About an hour later the doctors and their team returned and informed us that they no longer saw a large clot behind her valve, nor did they see brain damage around the clot in her head. Instead, they saw either a bruising or inflammation in her brain.
I smiled at Lindsey and told her that she was already rapidly creating the desires of her heart as she fully activated her faith…evidenced by the changing of her test reports. Her body was now rapidly healing!
Then she received a Priesthood Blessing from my husband and a dear family friend. Lindsey also felt a validation that she was known and loved by those who created her. She was assured that they were part of this rapid healing process that she had asked to take place in her life.
The Amazing Rapid Recovery
By the following day she was able to lift and move her right side of her body almost as well as her unaffected left side. Her recovery was so profound that the neurological doctor that headed Lindsey’s team began to form tears in her eyes as she witnessed the miraculous change that had taken place.
On Friday, Lindsey was moved out of ICU and sent to a regular ward. The nurses were visibly shocked to see her arrive. After reading her reports, they were expecting to see a greatly impaired stroke patient. Instead, they received a highly functional woman who could walk, shower, dress and feed herself without assistance.
The staff asked me why I wasn’t teaching this valuable healing information to this hospital and also the university? “Hmmm,” I thought. That is a really great question!
Her Advocate Doctors
When Lindsey and I were first deciding when she would like to be released from the hospital, I told her that she would be well enough to leave in just a few days but it would be wonderful if she could stay a bit longer so the doctors could work with the insurance company and arrange for her to receive the correct medication to ensure her protection from future stroke events during her pregnancy.
I assured her that we were doing everything within our power to improve her life and the Lord would step in to do the rest. He would even fight our battles and send people to assist us. In fact, she would not even have to worry about how this would be accomplished.
I shared this comforting eternal truth with Lindsey because she required a medication that costs $2,000 a month and the insurance company would only provide her with an inferior medication that costs $500. As a result, she had a stroke.
On Friday, the doctors told Lindsey they were not going to release her until they had this concern fully resolved…just as we had requested when we were commanding her world at the beginning of her stay at the hospital. The insurance told the doctors that they would not cover the medication. They said she would have to stay in the hospital for another 3 ½ months or until the baby was born while receiving the medication by IV.
After the weekend was over, another miracle happened for this amazing woman. The doctors told her that she could pay $20 and the hospital would pay for the rest of her medication. With that resolution, Lindsey was released from the hospital on Tuesday!
A Written Report of Lindsey’s Treatment
Before Lindsay was released, the doctors asked me if I would write down the actions we employed to help Lindsey’s rapid recovery so they could include it in her treatment files. That information is included in her records at Baylor University Medical College (Baylor UMC) in Tucson Arizona.
God of Miracles, Yesterday, Today and Forever
I often teach others that those who created us are gods of miracles yesterday, today and forever. Their answer is always, “YES!” to whatever we ask of them. The desires of our hearts will quickly and easily come to us. And, if they will be there for the small things, they will be there for the big things that come into our lives.
Lindsey’s life is a testament to the reality of these eternal truths.
As we were leaving the hospital, Lindsey looked at me with her clear blue eyes and radiant, beautifully restored smile and said, “I’m a miracle!”
“Yes you are my darling!” I responded.
Their Precious Jewel
Lindsey and Robert’s sweet little Giuliana Elyse was born over a month
early by emergency C-Section January 16. Even though she was only 3.5 pounds, this little micro-mini baby was mighty, strong and healthy. Alter learning how to nurse, she was released from the hospital. Today she is thriving. As for beautiful Lindsey…she continues to be absolutely radiant!
May you fully enjoy every moment of your life as you too continually notice and acknowledge how you are personally known and loved by those who created you.
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With much affection,
Pamela Ann