Allow yourself to fully receive what you have asked for; embrace and accept it! Pamela Ann
Category: Weekly Uplift
Everyone can benefit from some regular uplift and genuine encouragement. Scan through these thoughts, lighten up and spread your feelings of wellbeing to others.
You Have Plenty Of Time And More…
Feeling hurried, frazzled and distracted today? Try doing the following activity… Take one deep conscience breath. As you let it out, notice your body and how you are feeling. Easily and quickly allow any tension or distress to rapidly depart from you. Now gently speak … Read more “You Have Plenty Of Time And More…”
“Ah Ha!” Moments
There are many ways to gather the information and experiences you desire to have. Let yourself recognize that you are able to receive this knowledge from the “Divine.” Start noticing your increased awareness and “Ah Ha!” moments that begin to come to you. Allow yourself to … Read more ““Ah Ha!” Moments”
Give Thanks, FEEL Gratitude!
Give thanks for all that has been and is now being provided for you. FEEL that genuine gratitude. That feeling rapidly drives the desires of your heart to come into your now world! Pamela Ann
Float Your Boat Gently Down The Stream…
Remember the words to this simple childhood song, after throwing out your oars: Float, float, float your boat or your body. How do you float it? Gently DOWN the stream. What is your attitude as you float? Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Because this life is … Read more “Float Your Boat Gently Down The Stream…”