You have the power to draw to you ONLY Harmonious Relationships in everything that touches your life. This includes your health, wealth, wellbeing, other people, animals, nature…even the elements. Draw only the finest qualities of this world to come easily and quickly to you Believe … Read more “Only Harmonious Relationships”
Category: Weekly Uplift
Everyone can benefit from some regular uplift and genuine encouragement. Scan through these thoughts, lighten up and spread your feelings of wellbeing to others.
Look Forward To Receiving Your Blessings
Look forward to the many blessings swiftly coming to you now. Feel your increased excitement. HOLD ON to those feelings. Remember they draw your experiences, opportunities and gifts into your present reality… Pamela Ann
Profound Truths through Simple Means
Oftentimes, by simple means profound truths can be revealed. Take note and savor the many basic yet deeply meaningful treasures of knowledge that are liberally sprinkled throughout your life. Pamela Ann
Recognize Your Blessings…
Recognize your blessings as they appear. Also notice who assisted you in creating them. Acknowledge where those gifts came from; appreciate them and give thanks. Soon you will notice more wonderful blessings coming into your life and the lives of others. Pamela Ann
Keep Your Life Simple
Remember to keep your life simple and enjoy this process. If you begin feeling like this adventure is work, you are trying too hard to make it happen and have slid off course. If that is where you find yourself it’s OK too. You can quickly learn how … Read more “Keep Your Life Simple”