Ahhh, A Spa And Soul Day Event…
(Click Here to discover the latest amazing updates that past class participants experienced plus information on future class dates and locations.)
Just hearing those words sounds soothing. And for good reason! This Full Day Event is focused upon replenishing and nourishing your body mind and spirit. And yes, Guys and Girls alike enjoy attending and participating in these powerfully uplifting activities.
The following is a brief overview of some of the activities and topics that can be taught during the Class Mentoring Sessions. Although there is a specific Main topic that will be shared during each event, the dynamics of the students in each class will determine the other topics that will be covered. Lessons will also have many examples of real life experiences that reinforce what you are learning.
During these classes you will receive answers to many of your life questions. Your body will feel the powerful truth that will be revealed to you. You will understand more fully that you have been perfectly created and that all experience was designed for your goodness and ultimate enlightenment so your personal daily joy can be increased.
Speaking of feeling Joy, you are to experience deep profound abundant Joy always.
You will be taught about the unwavering love and support that is available for you each and every day. You will learn how to more fully allow these truths into your life adventure NOW! You will also learn how to create the exact life you Desire to experience and even put a date on it!
Yes, these are bold statements but that is exactly what my motivated clients are happily experiencing! Here are some of their comments:
“Immediately after the first hour I had two AWESOME experiences. I asked about two things in my mind, where to find an earring I just realized I lost and I also desired for someone to invite me to see the sites of the city. To my delight, both answers were immediately given to me!” —Elizabeth S., Atlanta, GA
“During the classes I would think about a question and she would answer it. I would think about another question and she would answer it. It seemed like she was in my mind and knew what I was thinking and interested in learning!” — Sam T., Tucson, AZ
“I love the way Pamela Ann teaches us about how to deal with our trials in a positive way and looking at those as life changing experiences. She truly inspires me to be that better person and to go after what I truly desire.” —Shannon B, Gilbert, AZ
So, Here is what you can expect that day….
The classes begin at 9:00 am and end at 4:00 pm. The day includes morning, and afternoon classes with morning, noon and afternoon breaks which includes time for you to have a snack or meal at the onsite restaurant or receive a body treatment of your choosing. (There is also and additional “Linger Longer Hour” to network with others and visit with me.)
Wear comfortable clothes. Optional: bring a Swimsuit and towel, blanket, yoga mat or flip mat and a pillow (to use while doing exercises).
Preparing Your Body; Learn how to relax and balance out your energy –including releasing that MONKEY CHATTER IN YOUR NOGGIN! so you can fully enjoy life:
• Chinese Bed Exercises. Start and end your day with these powerful 10 minute exercises.
• Release that Fight or Flight Response by Sedating the Triple Warmer
• Ponder and Meditate with purpose. Start seeing the detail of your creations!
• Releasing Stored Body Information. Easily release ANYTHING that is holding you back.
• Fast Exercises to Strengthen the immune system, build heart and lung reserves, plus more.
• Healthy Foods and Fats. What are they and why they are so important to you.
• Raise Electrical Energy in YOUR BODY! become a salamander and regrow your body!
• Ba Gua Xhang, Chinese Energy Exercises: Keep your body strong and healthy
• Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Heal eal and improve your quality; Simple yet Powerful!
• Restoring your Body Ecology. Recover your health and rebuild your immunity. Grow YOUNGER!
Learn how to Command Your World; Create the life you desire NOW!
• “Turn offs”. Identify & release what sabotages your rapid ability to create.
• Your FEELINGS are your perfect guide and compass. Awaken your feelings and use them.
• Your Words and Feelings are POWERFUL! Allow yourself to use that power EFFECTIVELY!
• Connect to Your Personal Source of Power. Connect to it and put it into ACTION.
• Keep it simple. Release the struggle out of life and stay in your calm center.
• Releasing inoculations or distractions from your preferred goals. Keep moving forward.
• Identify the world you would love to create. Begin designing what you prefer with detail.
• Develop and Use Your Creative “Muscles.” Apply what you are learning.
• Create only Harmonious Relationships in all areas life. “Mutually Uplift” with others.
• “Money Money Money Yeaaaah!” Allow it to easily and quickly flow into your Life.
• Asking, Receiving, Allowing. Learn the simple steps to consistently create your world.
• Discovering, believing and accepting your truth. Embracing what you ask for.
During Breaks, enjoy participation in the following activities:
• Soak in the spa and swim in the pool.*
• Enjoy a short walk or jog around training area.
• Practice skills you are learning; meditate, stress reducing exercises…
• Take Pleasure in a Massage, Pedticure or Manicure. (additional fee)*
• Allow yourself a power nap. Snooze on the outdoor lounging beds.*
Visit and network. Got questions? Get answers! Network with others and me.
(*Based on the Facilities of each Event’s Resort)
Feel free to bring some friends to the event. Your ability to apply these principles are increased when you surround yourself with those who are also growing and creating what they would love to have in their lives. Birds of a feather do flock together!
If you are interested in knowing when and where the next event is being held, simply sign up for one of my free offers on this page. You will then be able to get my Insider’s Info and receive current updates on these events (Main Topic, locations, dates, times and fees). You will also receive occasional uplifting messages to help your activate and use your creative abilities.
At anytime you can also schedule your own event for your Family, Group or business/Corporation Click Here to schedule some Mentoring Time with me. (This convenient automatic scheduling system will save you time. This free initial mentoring time is for Event creating and detail planning.)
If you found this information uplifting and encouraging, TAKE ACTION! Share it with someone else. It could be exactly what they have been asking for today. Remember, you may be just one person, but you too have the power to spread this good news throughout our world!
Would like to learn more? If so simply, Click Here to schedule some Personal Mentoring Time with me.
The following list is just a small portion of the topics I teach. Feel free to scan through it to get some ideas of what you would like to learn! You can even jot down some of the ones that stand out to you. Then I’ll teach you how to apply them in your daily life.
Click here to learn more about the topics that I can teach you.